Meet Dr. Nicole Neer, a pediatric pelvic health specialist at Little Bloom Physical Therapy, San Antonio. Explore our physical therapy approach for children’s health.

Dr. Nicole Neer, PT, DPT

I received my doctor of physical therapy from UT Health San Antonio, and found myself drawn to pediatric physical therapy early in my career. I am fortunate to have worked in a variety of pediatric settings, gaining experience and knowledge along the way. Most recently, I worked with my smallest of patients in the Neonatal ICU. 

My interest in pelvic health was in part fueled by my own pregnancy/postpartum experiences, and hearing about the concerns and experiences of others. While still working with my patients in NICU, I decided to complete personal training certification and certification with MommaStrong for pregnancy and postpartum fitness. It has been a great joy to help moms meet their fitness goals following this big life and body change. 

Motivated by these experiences, my curiosity about pelvic health grew and I couldn’t help but wonder about teaching children to be aware of and protective of their own pelvic health. It was this curiosity that led me to complete additional education and certification in pediatric pelvic health including bowel and bladder dysfunction for children. 

As a pediatric pelvic health specialist, I seek to meet my families and patients where they are at this moment in time. I look at the family as a whole to help guide and educate. As a parent, I understand the day to day struggles of raising children, and how hard it can be to see your child suffering or in pain. I would be honored to work with your family during this journey.

Dr. Nicole Neer, pediatric pelvic health physical therapy specialist